Scarlet Armada: The Art of Jumping
The Art of Jumping, by kaizomario1234
Though a large minority of ROBLOX Talk
is actually good at building, a smaller minority is actually good at game
development. Sounds confusing? Well, let me put it this way. Building consists
of putting down parts and wedges on ROBLOX Studio, messing with their
properties, and adding in more elements (particle emitters,
lighting, etc.) to create an environment.
Game development, however, consists of
not only building, but scripting, and creating your game in a way that is
addictive, replayable, and generally fun. An example of such creative works is
kaizomario1234’s The Art of Jumping, which gained some popularity in ROBLOX
About the Game Creator
Kaizomario1234 was a well-known RTer (a term for people who usually participate in the ROBLOX Talk sub-forum) who used to be friends with with epikrika, a YouTuber known for his forum simulators. One day, he was deleted after someone mini-modded him for using his siggy. Kaizo quit ROBLOX, but right before, he made a sequel to The Art of Jumping, although it sucks compared to the first one (a review of it coming soon). He's still active on twitter and Steam. I can't provide a URL since some or most of his tweets are edgy and would be considered against ROBLOX rules.
Gameplay & Objectives
Me failing at the first level
This game is about jumping (obviously). You're supposed to jump your way to the top. However, this isn't just your regular obby, as the obstacles are well-placed and designed, despite all of them being razors. You can't just mindlessly jump your way through the obby. You have coordinate and time each jump your take, which might take time. However, due to my dull mind, I barely got to the second level.
It seems as if Kaizo gave great thought into the level design and invested much effort into it, even though the concept is simple. The game is so addicting yet so fun. I seldom ever feel compelled to rage-quit, but instead compelled to keep going and finish the game.
Overview of most of the first level.
Despite it being very simplistic, the environment is pretty nice and uplifting. Who knew lights here and there and tacky coloring would make a perfect environment for jumping? The music is also pretty nice. It gives you a feeling a pretty merry feeling.
Currently this game is one of my favorite obbies. Hell, I'm not sure if it should even be classified as an obby due to its awesomeness. Due to its great level design and vivid environment, I'll give it a 10/10.
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